Friday, October 19, 2007

St. Paul Lutheran Church in Dubuque

On Sunday afternoon, August 5th, Reverend Parker A. Knoll was installed as Pastor at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Dubuque, Iowa.

District President the Reverend Gary Arp Installed Pastor Knoll; Rev. Dr. Randy Nord preached the sermon; the Liturgist was the Rev. Jesse Cearlock, Assistant Pastor at Our Redeemer, Dubuque, the Lectors were Rev. Dr. Kristian Kincaid, Senior Pastor at Our Redeemer, Dubuque and Rev. David Weber, Pastor at Our Savior, Manchester.

Pastor Knoll has served (during the last 30 years) as Associate Pastor at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Indianapolis, Indiana (11 years); Pastor at Concordia Lutheran Church, Louisville, Kentucky (7 years), and as Associate Pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church, Cedar Rapids, Iowa (12 years). He and his wife Linda are parents of one son Jonathan, a recent graduate from Valparaiso University and now a first year Law Student at Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana.

The congregation hosted a reception honoring Pastor Knoll and his family following the Installation.