Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Zion Lutheran Church in Wilton

In August,Zion Lutheran Church in Wilton celebrated its 150th anniversary. The theme was " Abiding in the Word" from John 8:31 " If you abide in My Word you are My disciples indeed."

There were two morning services conducted by 4 of the "Sons" of Zion" (Members that grew up in the congregation and went on into the ministry). The early service was conducted by Rev. Robert Alexander and Rev. Ray Salemink, and the late service by Rev. Randy Lett and Rev. John Moeller. The Leader for both services was our own Pastor Reimche.

430 members and guests attended the services and 320 people stayed for lunch and the afternoon program. In all, ten Pastors were present for this program.

The seven Pastors in the photo: Rev. Randy Lett (son), Rev. Robert Alexander (son), Rev. Brian Saunders (Pastor at Our Savior, Muscatine), Rev. John Moeller (son), Rev Dr. Ed Happel (son), Rev. Josh Reimche (our current Pastor, and our former Pastor Wayne Fredericksen. Absent for the photo were: Rev. Ray Salemink, son , Rev. Michael Salemink, son, and Rev. Chris Hinkle, (Pastor at Saint Paul, Wapello).

During the afternoon program, a video was shown on the History of Zion Lutheran church and school including high lights of its 13 Pastors over its 150 year history. The school has been an important part of of the church's 150 year history. In fact, from 1882-1892 the school building served as the church on Sundays, and, at different times during Zion's history, the Pastor has served as a teacher. Today, the Pastor conducts religion classes in the school.