On June 24, the congregation at St John Waverly dedicated an Arbor to a former long time Pastor Harold
Roschke and his wife Alvera. The
Roschke Arbor, an aesthetically appealing tribute to a beloved Pastor who led the congregation from 1940 to 1976.
The Arbor grew out of an idea at a St John garden club meeting when church member Steve
Schoepske suggested building an Arbor to beautify the church grounds. One of the
Roschke daughters, Kathryn
Roschke Schaefer immediately connected with the idea and suggested that it be dedicated to her parents who had gone to their Glory in 2005. Kathryn still lives in Waverly and is a member of St. John Lutheran Church.
Steve ran a business building garden arbors in Waterloo several years ago. He had planned to build one to honor his parents but his wife Sheri suggested he build one for St John.
Using his skills with woodwork and 3D design and the machines at his workplace, Progressive Tool company in Waterloo, Steve carefully crafted the over 400 piece latticed wood arch. Each side of the arched structure features three crosses, the face of Jesus and the phrase, "I am with you always."
With the help of 10 members of the St. John garden club, the pieces were stained and on Monday June 18 the arbor was assembled. On June 24 following the worship service the congregation proceeded outdoors where a short dedication ceremony was held led by Pastor
Versemann. Steve
Schoepske the designer of the arbor spoke briefly explaining that he hopes the arbor will hold a special meaning for everyone. "It all pertains to Jesus and I just think it's a fixture to honor Christ and to honor people who taught his word".
Reverend Harold
Roschke and his wife Alvera were well known throughout Iowa District East as Pastor
Roschke served in many capacities within the district including 1st vice president. He graduated from the St Louis seminary in 1936 and because of the depression many graduates did not have a call. However, he was determined to be a Pastor and after serving as. an assistant in Jackson Missouri where he had
vicared and at Clinton, Iowa he received a call to St. John Waverly in November of 1939. He arrived in Waverly in January 1940 and served faithfully until January 1976. Under his leadership and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the church grew from about 70 members to over 700. Because of the rapid growth a new building was built in 1957. He truly understood servant hood and served not only his congregation but the entire community as well. He ministered to non members that were sick and hospitalized and earned a reputation for his generosity, giving food and money to strangers who stopped by the church. He remembered what the Bible taught, “If you have done it to the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me.”
In 1976 he accepted a call to Our Savior Lutheran church in
Muscatine. He served there for six years and then served Peace Lutheran Church in Shell Rock, Iowa until his "official" retirement in 1992.
He was without a secretary for many years and his dear wife would fold all the bulletins, prepared the communion, wash the linens and many other things that needed to be done to carry out the work of the Lord. Pastor and Alvera
Roschke were blessed with 5 children. Kathryn, Paul, John, Joyce and one son who died in infancy. Kathryn lives in Waverly, Paul is deceased, John lives in Minneapolis and Joyce lives in
At the time of his departure from Waverly, the local paper in a tribute to Pastor
Roschke wrote, "His vigor and enthusiasm for his work, his unfailing good nature and his friendliness with everyone he meets marks him as an exceptional man-Waverly will miss a good friend".
If Pastor and Alvera
Roschke were here today they would say, “TO GOD ALONE THE GLORY!”