Welcome Back Dinner.
In all aspects of life, whether it is family, work or school, we celebrate homecomings and reunions with friends and family and here at St. Paul’s Chapel it is no different. For four long weeks our Chapel was empty. Most of the students had returned to their hometowns to enjoy their time with their families during the Christmas Season. It seemed that everything I did was futile, because there was nobody to share my thoughts with and nobody to speak to.
That is why Sunday, January 14th was a really good day to celebrate! A “Welcome Back Supper” was held for the International students and their families. We gathered to celebrate and welcome our friends back from the long break, but it was not about the meal, and not even about the cake, although the pleasure of eating good food is undeniable. We gathered together around the table for fellowship with those who are dear to us. Celebrating with food is an expression of hospitality, friendship and a way to show that we are glad to get together.
Just as when we approach the Lord’s Table during Communion we know that we are welcome to participate because the Host – Jesus Christ – calls us to be refreshed by His body and blood. And we all, who approach the Table, share the same faith in Him. It’s not only a meal. It’s meal which makes us alive and acceptable to God, because it cleanses us from sins.
Whenever I have a meal with someone else I think about the importance of the unity with those with whom we eat. We start every meal with thanksgiving to remind ourselves of God’s mercy and gifts which He provides for us. In the Lord’s Supper God offers us Himself in order for us to live. To those who come to our house, we offer only the best that we have. The goal is not to show prosperity, but to show that we care and that they are welcome to share a part of our life.
When our students come back from Christmas break and we welcome them with a “Welcome Back” meal, it’s not just a tradition it is an expression love, “I am so glad to see you” and we mean it. Our service at the Chapel would be futile if there were no students and we thank God for every student who returns. We have a reason to have a “Welcome Back” supper, because we want to share the joy of being able to be reunited with those whom God has given us to serve. A Welcome Back meal is by no means sacred, but the memories and relations which we created are precious.