Sunday, September 10, 2006

Watch for the next issue of the IDE TODAY to arrive soon

The September issue of the IDE TODAY has gone to the printers! It should arrived at the churches of IDE sometime after the 18th.

Thank you to all of the members of IDE who took the time to send in their articles, news, and pictures. Thank you to the IDE-supported missions that remembered how important it is to let the memebrs of IDE know the work that they are doing in their corner of the Kingdom.

The next issue is Novemeber's, the deadline is Novemeber 1st. All IDE member congregation's are encourgaed to share their news, joys, and pictures with the rest of the District (and beyond). If you haven't seen your church represented in the IDE TODAY, take a picture (VBS, Sunday School, Mission work, new members, old members, additions, Confirmations...) and send it in.

In Christ,

Rev. Mitchell Otto, Editor