Friday, April 28, 2006

Convention Nomination Results With Explanation

Our District will be in convention this summer.

As required, the District Secretary has made available the results of the nominations for District President, First Vice President and Second Vice President. These are all names of clergy in the LCMS.

District President
46- Gary Arp
17- Jerry Doellinger
8- Matthew Rueger, Tim Zimmerman *, Brian Saunders *
4- Steve Rempfer
1- Randy McHone, Daniel Krueger, David Rempfer, Dean Rothchild, Daniel Preus,Wallace Schulz, Terry Ellis

First Vice President
35- Matthew Rueger
14- Steve Rempfer
11- Brian Saunders
8- Tim Zimmerman
6- Jerry Doellinger, Keith Piotter
2- Michael Knox, David Splett, Thomas Hedtke
1- Randy McHone, Doug Morton, Kristian Kincaid, Joseph Polzin, David MacKain, David Rempfer, Dean Rothchild, Dennis Arndt

Second Vice President
33- Brian Saunders
12- Tim Zimmerman
11- Keith Piotter
8- Matthew Rueger
7- Michael Knox
4- Steve Rempfer, Jerry Doellinger
2- W. Max Mons
1- Doug Morton, David Splett, Gary Sears, Chris Gugel, Tom Hedtke, Wayne Brinkmann

* Rev. Dean Duncan, District Board Secretary, explains, "It has been brought to my attention that there are some questions on the nominations for District President. In the results I provided [to the IDE TODAY] there is a tie for the third ballot. Yet only one of those three people was put on the ballot for District President [See Convention Workbook]. This year we stated that 'this nomination form must be received by the District Secretary no later than February 1, 2006.' Based on the nominations I received by February First, the totals were: 44 Gary Arp, 15 Jerry Doellinger, 8 Matthew Rueger, 7 Tim Zimmermann, 7 Brian Saunders. However, both I and the District Office received a number of ballots after the deadline. In consultation with Rosanne at the District Office, we decided to include the totals of these late ballots since a number of them were faxed or mailed to the District Office instead of to me. So could [the IDE TODAY Editor] please place an asterisk behind the names of Tim Zimmerman and Brian Saunders. And with the asterisk note below that these totals are final numbers that reflect late ballots that came in after the deadline of February 1, 2006."