In 1882, a formal call was sent to Rev. Haendschke, of Spring Fountain, to lead services at a school house northwest of Westgate and form congregation. In December of 1885 the congregation was incorporated. Soon after land was purchased and the first sanctuary built. In 1886 Westgate became a town with the arrival of the railroad. Seven years later the congregation move into town, settling right on Main Street. The cemetery, however, remained behind, a mile north of town. While there were four other churches in or near Westgate, only St. Peter continues strong, in this town of 230.
Our anniversary year began with District President Gary Arp preaching on All Saints Day, 2005. This past summer, former St. Peter Pastor Rev. Matthew Harrison preached. Our year culminated with Rev. Ron Koch, of St. Paul Lutheran in Fredericksburg speaking about his recent trip to Africa for Good News Magazine.
Despite a surprise furnace failure, we voted on a mission project for the year. During Lent, we gathered gifts for Pastor Koch’s trip to Africa. During VBS, our mom’s group decided to collect shoes for Orphan Grain Train. With help from the community, 160 pairs were delivered to Norfolk, NE. We were amazed at the work accomplished through Orphan Grain Train and found out that “Underwear” was another much needed item. While the thought of having an “Undy Sunday” sounded a little strange to some, the whole circuit was invited to get involved. At the LWML Fall Rally, over 2000 pairs were gathered. A member of St. Peter flew them to Norfolk in December.
Through the 120 years, 1255 souls have been baptized at St. Peter (including 3 adults and 22 infant/children in the last five years). 1245 people have been confirmed.
One of our young men was not able to be confirmed with his class in April, because he was diagnosed with cancer and was undergoing treatment in Iowa City. Though treatments were unsuccessful, he wanted to continue on to be confirmed. Plans were set for October 29 (not only Reformation Day, but also his 15th birthday). However, the week before he broke his hip. While our plans do not always work out, what a blessing that God’s do, receiving His gifts in His time, awaiting the even greater Feast to come.
More than just numbers for a book, numbers to brag about, we are reminded behind each number is a person, behind each number is God at work. What a blessing, that through simple water – He adds children to His family, through the Word – He reveals our sin and His forgiveness, through bread and wine – He offers His true body and blood, and through simple deeds of kindness toward our neighbor, His mercy is made known. While it won’t make the evening news, what a harvest God is preparing: “On what has now been sown Your blessing Lord, bestow; The pow’r is Yours alone To make it sprout and grow. O Lord, in grace the harvest raise, And Yours alone shall be the praise!”(LW #217)