The first week of October the two LCMS districts of Iowa met in Des Moines for the annual Teachers Conference. What a joy it is to come together and “Team” in our ministries. Our theme for the conference was Teaming For Eternity based off of the scripture verse from 1 Corinthians 9:25 – Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.
Throughout this conference it was evident of the “Teaming” that takes place not only in our schools of IDE, but also with the schools of IDW. It is rejuvenating to see conversations and friendships develop because of the partnership that we have. This partnership goes beyond the earthly form; it extends into the eternity form.
Our ministry together focuses on developing disciples. This needs to be the mission of every Lutheran School (this was also the mission of National Lutheran Schools Week 2006). Growing is a life-long process. It takes effort from committed parents, teachers and churches to “train up the child in the way he should go.” This life also has purpose; to be a contribution to others as directed by the craft hands of the Master Builder. This is the partnership that exists between families, schools and the church. We want to help the churches’ young to grow, develop, mature, and to live meaningful, satisfying, and eternally significant lives.
The story is told of an elderly carpenter who was ready to retire after a successful career of building houses. His plans were to retire and enjoy a more leisurely life with family. However, he was asked to build one more house. To his dismay he agreed to build the house, but his heart was not in it. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials. Many had said that this was an unfortunate way to end a career. After the carpenter finished his work, he was handed the keys to this house. A gift! The carpenter was shocked and ashamed. If he had known he was building his own house he would have done it all so differently.
And so it is with us and the children we raise. We grow and develop day by day often putting less than our best into ourselves. Then in shock we realize we must live in the house we have built. Someone has said, “Life is a do-it yourself project.” Our attitudes and choices that we make today affect the life and those we come in contact with tomorrow. God has blessed us with gifts and abilities to use to develop into a life-long servant. We are the instruments of Jesus. We keep growing, serving, learning, developing and maturing in all areas of faith and life. We want this for our children so that they can be the hands, feet, and voices; the agents and instruments of Jesus, people privileged to fulfill God’s purpose in daily life.
May we always put our best into who we are and what we do.
Picture: Terry Schmidt, Director of National Lutheran School Accreditation, leads a sectional at the IDE/W Teacher's Conference on Teaming With Difficult People. Terry was also the Keynote for Thursday's opening on how Lutheran Schools are Ablaze.
Jan Doellinger, Teacher at Central Lutheran, Newhall, was awarded the Crystal Apple Award for the 2006 IDE Teacher of the Year.
Rick Holste, Teacher at Immanuel Lutheran, Waterloo, prepares for his big entrance in the hallway for the Math Night sectional developed by the Immanuel staff.