2007 - 50th Anniversary
"Concordia Lutheran Church: Built for Eternity Est. 1957" is the theme for our 50th anniversary celebration. Our congregation has come up with a number of special services and events through the year that will help us celebrate this milestone.
On Sunday, November 19th, we began our year-long celebration. Missionaries Jon and Heidi Heisterkamp were here and shared the scope of their ministry in Central America. We have formally adopted the Heisterkamps encourage our members to do this same. A free will offering was taken after each service for the Heisterkamps. We concluded the day with a potluck lunch in Fellowship Hall following the second service.
February 18, 2007, Charter Members of the church will be recognized. Pastor Gafeller, a son of the congregation, will preach the sermon. We will introduce a special, original anniversary hymn at this service. The words to the hymn were written by Pastor Paul Doellinger and the music has been composed by our own Ryan Loftsgaarden. Both gentlemen have generously donated their time and talents. Members are encouraged to wear their anniversary T-shirts at this service.
June 10, 2007 At our outdoor worship service, former pastor Rev. Marth will be our speaker. All those who have been confirmed at Concordia will be recognized. We will take a picture of the congregation as we all form the number “50” in our parking lot. Also at this service Dave and Karen Siefert will receive a special plaque for their many years of service by the Wycliffe Bible Translators. Members are encouraged to wear their anniversary T-shirts on this Sunday.
October 21, 2007 Gary Thies will speak at this service and provide an update on the HeisterkampsÂ’ work in Panama. Members are encouraged to wear their anniversary T-shirts on this Sunday.
November 18, 2007 Final Celebration/dinner Rev. Paul Scheidt to preach. Catered dinner (free will offering) to follow in Fellowship Hall. Members are encouraged to wear their anniversary T-shirt.
Please join us!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
The November Issue of the IDE TODAY
The November issue of the IDE TODAY has started to arrived at the churches of the District. Thank you to everyone who contributed.
Unfortunately, at some point in the printing process, the pictures in the printed edition were obscured by white lines over the top and along the right hand side. We are in contact with the printer to find out what went wrong.
All of the pictures in this issue can be viewed in color on this site, or a PDF file of this issue can be viewed and printed from the IDE District Office site .
In Christ,
The Editor
Unfortunately, at some point in the printing process, the pictures in the printed edition were obscured by white lines over the top and along the right hand side. We are in contact with the printer to find out what went wrong.
All of the pictures in this issue can be viewed in color on this site, or a PDF file of this issue can be viewed and printed from the IDE District Office site .
In Christ,
The Editor
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Miss Elloise Segebarth
Miss Elloise Segebarth entered into the Church Triumphant this morning (Wed., Nov. 15) at St. Luke’s Hospital in Cedar Rapids, IA at the age of 92. Elloise taught at St. Paul’s Parochial School in Fredericksburg for five years and then for 36 years at Trinity Lutheran School in Lowden, until she retired in 1979. Her funeral will take place here at Trinity, Lowden on Saturday, November 17 at 10:30 am. She has no immediate survivors other than the community of faith.
Friday, November 10, 2006
News From The IDE Board of Directors
From now on the IDE Doard of Director Meeting Minutes will be posted at:
A Link is in place on the right to access these minutes from this page.
A Link is in place on the right to access these minutes from this page.
Chaplain Herold Scheer
Another Opportunity to fund the IDE Chaplaincy Endowment Fund
I recently learned of a blessing Thrivent Financial for Lutherans wants to give the Iowa District East Chaplaincy Endowment Fund. They will give $2,400.00 if we can raise $7,200.00. Sounds like a good blessing to me and hopefully to most of you. As of this writing over $1,500.00 has been given. The Endowment fund total is now over $250,000.00 and when it’s over $500,000 it may support our half time Deaconess/Chaplain. When it reaches over $1,000,000.00 it will support a full time Chaplain at University Hospitals. Some people are including this Fund in their estate planning. Please remember that all gifts are tax deductible.
All gifts need to be received by December 15, 2006
You, your congregation or any group may send your gifts to:
Mr. Walt Prem, Financial Director
Johnson Co. Chapter Thrivent for Lutherans
227 Windsor Drive
Iowa City IA 52245
Please make the checks out to Thrivent for Lutherans and include IDE Chaplaincy Endowment Fund on the memo line of the check.
In Christ Jesus,
Chaplain Harold Scheer
I recently learned of a blessing Thrivent Financial for Lutherans wants to give the Iowa District East Chaplaincy Endowment Fund. They will give $2,400.00 if we can raise $7,200.00. Sounds like a good blessing to me and hopefully to most of you. As of this writing over $1,500.00 has been given. The Endowment fund total is now over $250,000.00 and when it’s over $500,000 it may support our half time Deaconess/Chaplain. When it reaches over $1,000,000.00 it will support a full time Chaplain at University Hospitals. Some people are including this Fund in their estate planning. Please remember that all gifts are tax deductible.
All gifts need to be received by December 15, 2006
You, your congregation or any group may send your gifts to:
Mr. Walt Prem, Financial Director
Johnson Co. Chapter Thrivent for Lutherans
227 Windsor Drive
Iowa City IA 52245
Please make the checks out to Thrivent for Lutherans and include IDE Chaplaincy Endowment Fund on the memo line of the check.
In Christ Jesus,
Chaplain Harold Scheer
Thursday, November 09, 2006
A Piece of the Action
Your Mission Offerings at Work in Iowa District East
University of Iowa Health Care
University of Iowa Health Care
University Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City
To provide pastoral care to all members of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. We also provide pastoral care to patients and families that I am referred to by pastors, families, patients and hospital staff members. We also work to provide pastoral care to members of the hospital staff (over 7,250 people provide medical care to over 50,000 in-patients and over 750,000 out-patients a year.)
To provide information to the members of Iowa District East about the many multifaceted needs (spiritual, physical and emotional) of our Lord’s people as they come for treatment of many different and often quite complex physical and emotional illnesses (including several organ transplant opportunities, premature babies, severe accident victims and a tree rolling on one of our members). Our great Creator has blessed the medical world with considerable resources of technology, medications and procedures. There are many ongoing opportunities for us to make life and death decisions with our Sisters and Brothers in Christ. This information is provided in Bible Classes and worship services. There are presentations at congregations for various groups regarding Advanced Medical Directives (Living Wills), lay ministry to people in hospitals and long term care facilities, death and dying; etc.
THERE ARE UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITIES to provide pastoral care to our Lord’s people 24 hours a day, seven days a week. So many people are inactive in relation to their home congregation. It is beautiful to see the Holy Spirit at work in His people as they lay on their hospital bed looking up. People recall what their basic Christian Faith beliefs are God created them with life. The Holy Spirit worked faith in their hearts, souls and minds. Now, not only do they want reassurance of eternal salvation by Christ’s suffering and death on the cross, but also a caring companion to walk with them through their medical challenges. They want to celebrate and live out Christ’s resurrection by having a resurrection of their own from their present medical, physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Most often they do!
OUR LORD OF THE CHURCH BLESSES HIS MINI-STRY here day after day, hour after hour as healing takes place physically, mentally and spiritually. We can get sicker than ever before and still live to tell about it because of the blessings of modern medicine. Once in awhile a patient will share his concern that he is dying. After briefly listening to such a conversation, I will stop them and state that I want to check with the nurse or doctor about their situation and will come back soon. Usually the message is that the person truly is getting better. However, since they had not been so sick ever before in their life, they were convinced that they were dying. What a joy to celebrate the healing of body, soul and mind! It is quite an honor and blessing to be with patients and families as our Lord calls a person home to Himself. This is a very holy time. To have the Holy Spirit working with the patients, families, hospital staff and myself as we go through all the decisions, emotions and spiritual struggles is very fulfilling as the power of God is at work in a very, very meaningful manner.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Trinity Lutheran Church in Cedar Rapids
Jan Basemann, Linda Knoll, Jonathon Knoll, Aaron Nord and Irene Reinking, all members of Trinity Lutheran Church, Cedar Rapids, taught VBS in Healy, Alaska this past July.
Healy is a coal mining town located on a spur road (lumpy, bumpy and dusty) near the entrance to Denali Park. Approximately 1,000 middle class people with jobs and nice homes live there. Their problem is they have no Lutheran Church and no Pastor. We held VBS in the small Catholic Church. More than 30 children ages 3-13 attended every day. That kept “The Trinity Five” very busy.
The highlight of the week was the 47 Bibles we presented to all the VBS children and other children in the community who were unable to attend VBS. These NIV, Old and New Testament, hard cover, picture Bibles were provided by the Trinity Lutheran School Children. These Trinity children brought offerings of pennies on Monday, nickels on Tuesday, dimes on Wednesday, quarters on Thursday and dollars on Friday. The total check they presented to our VBS Team was for $875.00. This covered the cost of the 47 Bibles and most all of the craft items. What a wonderful gift these young missionaries provided for the children of Healy. The VBS students proudly carried their new Bibles back and forth from VBS to home and back again. Daily they told us how someone had read to them from their Bible or how they had read to someone else. Sharing the Gospel message of “Jesus Love and Salvation For All People” is what mission work is all about.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
St. Paul's Chapel and University Center in Iowa City
St. John's Lutheran Church in Waverly - "Trunk or Treat"

The chilly air was filled with excitement Tuesday evening, as 26 Vehicles and 50 members from St. John Lutheran Church in Waverly,dressed themselves up, and decked out their vehicles, for their First Annual “Trunk or Treat” event!
This even permitted children and families to go ‘trunk to trunk’, rather than ‘house to house’ to get their treats. All the members agreed that the event was a great success as over 175 children from the Waverly community showed up to receive their treats. The first and the last vehicles (as well as many in between) reminding all the children that “Jesus Loves You!”
And that’s no trick, it’s the greatest treat of all time! Plans are already Underway for St. John to hold our 2nd Annual “Trunk or Treat next October 31st.
St. John Lutheran Church is located at 415 4th Street SW * (Business Highway 218) in Waverly. Worship services are held on Sunday At 9:15 a.m., and Wednesday evening at 7:15 p.m.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
St Peter Lutheran Church in Westgate

In 1882, a formal call was sent to Rev. Haendschke, of Spring Fountain, to lead services at a school house northwest of Westgate and form congregation. In December of 1885 the congregation was incorporated. Soon after land was purchased and the first sanctuary built. In 1886 Westgate became a town with the arrival of the railroad. Seven years later the congregation move into town, settling right on Main Street. The cemetery, however, remained behind, a mile north of town. While there were four other churches in or near Westgate, only St. Peter continues strong, in this town of 230.
Our anniversary year began with District President Gary Arp preaching on All Saints Day, 2005. This past summer, former St. Peter Pastor Rev. Matthew Harrison preached. Our year culminated with Rev. Ron Koch, of St. Paul Lutheran in Fredericksburg speaking about his recent trip to Africa for Good News Magazine.
Despite a surprise furnace failure, we voted on a mission project for the year. During Lent, we gathered gifts for Pastor Koch’s trip to Africa. During VBS, our mom’s group decided to collect shoes for Orphan Grain Train. With help from the community, 160 pairs were delivered to Norfolk, NE. We were amazed at the work accomplished through Orphan Grain Train and found out that “Underwear” was another much needed item. While the thought of having an “Undy Sunday” sounded a little strange to some, the whole circuit was invited to get involved. At the LWML Fall Rally, over 2000 pairs were gathered. A member of St. Peter flew them to Norfolk in December.
Through the 120 years, 1255 souls have been baptized at St. Peter (including 3 adults and 22 infant/children in the last five years). 1245 people have been confirmed.
One of our young men was not able to be confirmed with his class in April, because he was diagnosed with cancer and was undergoing treatment in Iowa City. Though treatments were unsuccessful, he wanted to continue on to be confirmed. Plans were set for October 29 (not only Reformation Day, but also his 15th birthday). However, the week before he broke his hip. While our plans do not always work out, what a blessing that God’s do, receiving His gifts in His time, awaiting the even greater Feast to come.
More than just numbers for a book, numbers to brag about, we are reminded behind each number is a person, behind each number is God at work. What a blessing, that through simple water – He adds children to His family, through the Word – He reveals our sin and His forgiveness, through bread and wine – He offers His true body and blood, and through simple deeds of kindness toward our neighbor, His mercy is made known. While it won’t make the evening news, what a harvest God is preparing: “On what has now been sown Your blessing Lord, bestow; The pow’r is Yours alone To make it sprout and grow. O Lord, in grace the harvest raise, And Yours alone shall be the praise!”(LW #217)
Mark J. L’Heureux

The first week of October the two LCMS districts of Iowa met in Des Moines for the annual Teachers Conference. What a joy it is to come together and “Team” in our ministries. Our theme for the conference was Teaming For Eternity based off of the scripture verse from 1 Corinthians 9:25 – Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.
Throughout this conference it was evident of the “Teaming” that takes place not only in our schools of IDE, but also with the schools of IDW. It is rejuvenating to see conversations and friendships develop because of the partnership that we have. This partnership goes beyond the earthly form; it extends into the eternity form.
Our ministry together focuses on developing disciples. This needs to be the mission of every Lutheran School (this was also the mission of National Lutheran Schools Week 2006). Growing is a life-long process. It takes effort from committed parents, teachers and churches to “train up the child in the way he should go.” This life also has purpose; to be a contribution to others as directed by the craft hands of the Master Builder. This is the partnership that exists between families, schools and the church. We want to help the churches’ young to grow, develop, mature, and to live meaningful, satisfying, and eternally significant lives.
The story is told of an elderly carpenter who was ready to retire after a successful career of building houses. His plans were to retire and enjoy a more leisurely life with family. However, he was asked to build one more house. To his dismay he agreed to build the house, but his heart was not in it. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials. Many had said that this was an unfortunate way to end a career. After the carpenter finished his work, he was handed the keys to this house. A gift! The carpenter was shocked and ashamed. If he had known he was building his own house he would have done it all so differently.
And so it is with us and the children we raise. We grow and develop day by day often putting less than our best into ourselves. Then in shock we realize we must live in the house we have built. Someone has said, “Life is a do-it yourself project.” Our attitudes and choices that we make today affect the life and those we come in contact with tomorrow. God has blessed us with gifts and abilities to use to develop into a life-long servant. We are the instruments of Jesus. We keep growing, serving, learning, developing and maturing in all areas of faith and life. We want this for our children so that they can be the hands, feet, and voices; the agents and instruments of Jesus, people privileged to fulfill God’s purpose in daily life.
May we always put our best into who we are and what we do.
Picture: Terry Schmidt, Director of National Lutheran School Accreditation, leads a sectional at the IDE/W Teacher's Conference on Teaming With Difficult People. Terry was also the Keynote for Thursday's opening on how Lutheran Schools are Ablaze.

Jan Doellinger, Teacher at Central Lutheran, Newhall, was awarded the Crystal Apple Award for the 2006 IDE Teacher of the Year.

Rick Holste, Teacher at Immanuel Lutheran, Waterloo, prepares for his big entrance in the hallway for the Math Night sectional developed by the Immanuel staff.
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