Thursday, September 08, 2011
Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Davenport
The Ordination and Installation of Rev. Christopher Neuendorf at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Davenport, was held on August 28.
Back from left: Rev. Bob Bartel, Rev. John Preus, Rev. Anthony Oliphant, Rev. David Miller, Rev. Steven Anderson, Rev. Nicholas Huelsman, Rev. Christopher Neuendorf, (?), Rev. Paul Nus, Rev. Dean Rothschild, Rev. Jack Goldberger, Rev. Gib Mueller, and Rev. Peter Hoft .
Front from left: Rev. Timothy Carr, Rev. Keith Piotter, Rev. Vic Young, Rev. Philip Young, IDE President Rev. Brian Saunders, Rev. Clarence Pannier, Rev. David Anderson, Rev. Chris Lockie, (?) , (?) .