A number of years ago Mary Jocille Wieben, the mother-in-law of long-time member Carla Wieben, began making a quilt. When she went to heaven, Carla received her quilt blocks. However, it was not until recently that members of the St. Paul Priscilla Guild decided to complete the quilt.
Working together, quilters Carla Wieben, Kay Hertzler and Lillian Johnson combined their efforts to produce this beautiful purple and white work of art for the Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca Fall Festival. Applying herself to completing the intricate cross-stitching on each block, Kay worked day after day. Together Lillian and Kay selected the material, Carla cut the material, and Lillian dedicated her time to sewing the blocks. Collectively they marked the quilt and placed it in the quilt frame with a little help from Kay’s husband, Ron.
Over the next weeks the women quilted tirelessly in an endeavor of love for the ministry of Jesus Christ and His wonderful work that takes place at camp. United, the three women worked diligently to complete the project in time. The special quilt has a little pocket on the back containing a note on the history of the quilt and a picture of the women who made it. Mary
Wieben would have joyfully approved this worthwhile project!
We celebrate the excellent ministry being carried on at our camp and give God the glory for his gifts of time and talent!