Tuesday, July 17, 2007

College Hill Luthean Church in Cedar Falls

On Sunday evening July first, Reverend John Wegener was installed as pastor and campus minister at College Hill Lutheran Church and Brammer Student Center. Cedar Falls, Iowa.
District President the Reverend Gary Arp preached the sermon. Special highlights were the blessing of Reverend Wegener by his father, Reverend Thomas Wegener and the organist for the service was Ruby Wegener, Reverend John Wegener’s mother.
It is a blessing for the congregation and the students at the University of Northern Iowa that Pastor Wegener has arrived prior to the opening of the fall semester of the school year and will be here to welcome back returning students as well as freshmen and transfer students.

In addition to Reverend John Wegener the congregation and students welcome his wife, Heidi and their three children: A.J., Aleah and Javan. Both Pastor and Heidi are graduates of the University of Northern Iowa and were active students at College Hill Lutheran Church and Student Center during their college years.

Welcome back to College Hill and campus ministry, Pastor Wegener.