When one looks around at events in the world—the situation in Iraq which never seems to improve, the massacre at Virginia Tech, skyrocketing gas prices...—it is easy to become discouraged and negative. In times such as this we need to focus on who we are in Christ and where we are going. We are pilgrims, sojourners, on our way to a new homeland. You can be certain of who you are where you are going because Christ the Lord is risen. Because He is risen we can live as triumphant, victorious people no matter what is going on around us—in good times and bad.
And there are plenty of good things going on! This is the season of new life in nature. Things are coming back to life (a reminder of our resurrection!). As I write this it is a cool, rainy day, but as I look out my living room window from the comfort of my recliner it is absolutely beautiful outside. You can almost see the grass growing before your eyes, the baby leaves on our maple tree are poking their heads out and the birds are singing! What a beautiful world God has given us through which to pilgrim!
Marjorie and I are looking forward to the confirmation of a granddaughter, the wedding of a grandson, and the birth of two great grandchildren (our first). How could anything dull the joy of such blessings from the hand of our gracious Lord and Savior?
I have been happy to hear that so many of our IDE congregations have purchased the new hymnal, Lutheran Service Book (LSB). For those who want a variety of services LSB has many. For those who want the familiar, the services from LW and TLH are there, and there are hymns new and old. Concordia Publishing House has announced that because of the continuing demand it is going extend the introductory discounted price for several more months.
July 13-19 are the dates for the next convention of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. At this writing, the workbook with the reports and overtures has not yet arrived so I cannot report on what might be coming before the convention. However, it is safe to say that “Funding the Mission” is going to receive a good deal of attention. I mentioned the financial concerns of District and Synod in the March edition of IDE TODAY. The convention floor committees are scheduled to meet May 18-21. I will be serving on the “Program and Finance Floor Committee.” Please put the convention delegates in your prayers.
Warmer weather has come to Lithuania and Pastor Petkunas reports that the work on the building project we have been supporting is progressing more rapidly now. The roof is on and work on the tower is headed toward completion. I haven’t heard from Pastor Petkunas for about three weeks, but I expect that perhaps some interior work has begun. Please continue to pray for Pastor Petkunas and the Palanga project.
I hope you have a wonderful, enjoyable summer.