St. Peter writes: “
but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to every one who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence” I Peter 3:15.
On Saturday, April 21st, I had the privilege of presenting a Witness Workshop at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Davenport. The workshop is based on “The Christian Doctrine of Vocation and Informed by the Distinction Between the Two Kinds of Righteousness.” At one point in the presentation I paused and asked, “Have any of you ever been called on by either the Mormons or the Jehovah Witnesses?” Just about every hand in the room went up.
Going home for lunch the following Tuesday, who did I catch in the act of sticking a Watchtower in my door but a pair of Jehovah Witnesses. We talked a little, but the lady
didn’t leave any material as they went on their way. The Jehovah Witnesses have been working my neighborhood quite hard the last couple of years.
Trying to give the best witness I could, and later wondering how well I did, Peter’s words came to mind. He says,
always be ready. Be ready because who knows when the opportunity will come to share Christ with those who are lost? Maybe at lunch time today.
It is good to know that in Christ Jesus we are ready, we are even prepared to do this because we are forgiven. As forgiven saints, Jesus prepares us to be His witness when the opportunity arises.
Peter says to be prepared
to make a defense. I believe that in the midst of the rise of false religions and the loss of the clear proclamation of the Gospel in so many churches, along with the many other “isms” around us, we have to be able to defend what we believe, teach, and confess. But how? It would behoove all of us Christians to prepare as best we can, asking our Pastors, for example, to train us in what the Bible and the Lutheran Confessions teach. Now is not the time for us to settle for “light”
catechesis. After all, if we don’t know what we believe how can we possibly be ready to defend it?
For who knows who is going to ask? It might be the person at the lunch table in the break room at work. It might be the neighbor two doors down. It might be the person who sits next to us on an airplane. It might even be the new seed salesman who is just beginning to work our area. We never know who, but know people will ask!
To give an account means to be able to say this is what the Bible teaches about God’s love and His plan of salvation through Jesus, this is what I believe and confess about Jesus, and this is why Jesus came had to come into the world. Because I am a poor miserable sinner, without Jesus, I would spend eternity in hell because of my sins. I have hope in heaven because Jesus earned the forgiveness of sins for all people, including me, through His perfect life, His innocent suffering and death on the cross, and by His glorious Easter resurrection. And that He has given all this to me freely, in the water and Word of Holy Baptism.
What is the hope that is in us? It is the sure and certain hope of eternal life because Jesus has done it all and has given His victory to me as a gift. We can tell others what Jesus has done for them because we can tell them what He has done for each of us. By the Holy Spirit’s guiding, we can do this with gentleness and reverence.
If you wish to hear more about this Witness Workshop, or would like to host one, please contact me.