The Bible Study was followed by the feature speaker, Rev. Daniel S. Johnson from Marshalltown. He gave a powerful talk on the Mission of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod in Siberia followed by a moving film. A collection was taken for the Siberian Mission.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
LWML Dubuque Zone Spring Rally
The Bible Study was followed by the feature speaker, Rev. Daniel S. Johnson from Marshalltown. He gave a powerful talk on the Mission of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod in Siberia followed by a moving film. A collection was taken for the Siberian Mission.
Friday, September 11, 2009
College Hill Lutheran Church in Cedar Falls
On Sunday August 23rd the congregation at
Worship service was set up outside on the west lawn and invited all to participate. The welcome also extended to the neighbors. It was a sunny morning although a bit cool.
Music was provided on the keyboard and the loud speakers carried the sermon message and liturgy clearly to all in attendance.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Parish Nurse
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Rev. Brian Saunders, IDE President

I have had recent opportunities to be with the membership of this district as well as the clergy when visiting the folks and attending installations of Called Workers. It is from these visits that I have come to see some of the truly, humble and dedicated hearts God has given to the Church. I will share two stories with you that exemplify that very truth.
As most of you know, a few weeks ago the center counties of Iowa were hit with a torrential rain and hail storm. The wind was so powerful that softball sized hail blew horizontally and caused untold damage to houses, structures and crops. When on a visit to one of the farmers who had lost about 500 acres of crop; I was witness to the true spirit of mercy and kindness. We looked at his home and later walked out into his fields of corn (what was left of them anyway). He would have no crop to harvest this fall and even needed to repair damage to some grain bins as well as his home. I asked him what this disaster had done to him and his answer was beyond my expectations. While I was waiting for his plan to recoup finances that he had lost, he spoke of no such thing. He told me that what this has done for him has made him aware of the needs that arise and the call to serve. “If this happens to another town or farm” he said, “within driving distance. I will immediately load up my pickup with plywood and drive up and down the city streets and the county roads with a sign that says: ‘free plywood, take as much as you need’.” There would be no advertising his name, no attention called to him. There would only be one child of God taking notice of the needs of others and making the effort to lessen their hardship. That is the kind of membership IDE has been blessed with.
My second story involves a kind and caring Pastor. I was getting ready to install a Servant of the Church and it became known that I did not have a garment bag to carry my stole and alb. After the service, when albs and stole were being prepared to travel; one of the Pastor’s took pity on his District President who was trying to keep his Ecclesiastical attire from dragging on the ground. “My dear President”, he said, “I think you need this more than I do.” He then, out of the goodness of his heart gave me the garment bag. He saw the need of a brother clergy, and he met that need without thought to the sacrifice he would make for another. That is an example of the kind of Pastor’s we have in IDE.
My first letter is to inform you what a wonderful gift we have in each other. We are a gathering of those who gather. Showing mercy and kindness to those in need is the life of Christ lived in and through us as the hand’s of Christ exercise compassion for our neighbor in need. God bless you all and continue to bless us with hearts that notice the need, meet the need, and call attention only to Jesus as it is done.
Rev. Brian Saunders,
President of Iowa District East
St Paul's Chapel And University Center in Iowa City

A Hawkeye Welcome!
Campus ministry is never stagnant: the schedule always changes to accommodate new ideas, new plans, and new outreach. This year, the students asked for more mid-week worship opportunities. Each Wednesday morning the chapel now offers a 7:30 A.M. Holy Communion service which lasts only half of an hour. Evening Prayer has also been added at 7:30 P.M. on Wednesday night. Many students attend one or the other or both, in addition to Sunday mornings.

Rev. Dr. Dean Rothchild, Assistant To The District President
Many Blessings to Celebrate
and Rejoice In
We rejoice in the passing of both of those resolutions! Please consider which project you or your congregation can complete. If you need additional information it is available on the District website.