Friday, August 28, 2009
St Paul Lutheran Church in Williamsburg
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Amazing Summer
The last campfire of Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca’s 2009 season had been reduced to a bed of glowing embers, but the memories of the previous nine weeks sparked skyward….
The High School Servant Event, with participants from seven congregations in five states, swelled the residential summer camp program to a twenty percent increase over the 2008 season. Young men and women came from as far away as Texas and Virginia to work in Cedar Rapids, mucking and gutting, building and painting, sweeping and mopping, to help our neighbors recover from last year’s flood damage.
Numerous unchurched campers learned for the first time how Jesus lived, died, and rose for them. They heard how they are forgiven without any merit or worthiness of their own. Another unchurched camper recently began to attend a local LC-MS congregation because of what she had heard in the daily Bible study time.
Campers had an uproariously great time singing camp songs and engaging in the many camp games and activities. A new group activity was unveiled the first week of summer and rapidly became the new camp favorite - human foosball.
As the last refrain of the “Benediction Song” rang out softly among the morning breezes of the closing programs campers often left with tears in their eyes begging their parents to return again next year.
It was an amazing summer.
Fall Festival 2009
The first quilts have arrived for the Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca Fall Festival auction from the women of Concordia, Cedar Rapids who have crafted some magnificent quilts and lap throws for the camp’s annual festival. Other quilts and craft items will be arriving soon. Please mark your calendars for Sunday, October 11th and make plans now to attend. Fall Festival will feature great food, a lively auction, hay rack rides, apple bobbing, bake sale and much more. Quilts and other fine items are needed for the auction. Auction items may be delivered until October 7th. Fall Festival activities will begin at 12:30 with the auction starting at 3:30. Jason Knapp will once again serve as this year’s auctioneer and Thrivent Financial for Lutherans will provide matching funds.
Capital Campaign
Exciting things are in store for Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca as the capital campaign approaches its kickoff. The camp is nearing its 50th anniversary. In order to better serve the congregations and schools of the Iowa District East in future years, capital is needed to update the Alpha Lodge, replace the climbing tower, upgrade the swimming pool, and build a home for year round staff. The consultants hired by the camp board recommend a campaign with a goal of $300-500,000 to make these needed upgrades to the camp’s facilities. If you are interested in serving on one of the campaign committees or would like to volunteer to assist with administrative tasks please feel free to contact our Executive Director, the Rev. Terry Small, 319.848.4187 with any questions.
IDE Confirmation Retreat
Under the theme “Forgiveness - For You” catechumens will gather November 6-7 at Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca to study the fifth chief part of Luther’s Small Catechism, Confession and the Office of the Keys. This retreat definitely will not be all work and no play. In addition to their in-depth study, participants will engage in camp games such as Dare Base or Eagles Nest, enjoy singing around a campfire and playing human foosball, the camp’s newest hit game, and much more. The registration fee is only $36. Registration materials are available from IDE congregations or by contacting the IDE office.
The last campfire of the season.....

Thank You
Need Pews?
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Bethany Lutheran Church in Cedar Rapids
Friday, August 21, 2009
Grace Lutheran Church in Waterloo