On July 21-24, 17 youth and 6 adults from IDE traveled to Grand Rapids, MI for a few days of Worship, Work and Play. They went there to attend one of the two summer conferences hosted by Higher Things.
Higher Things is a Lutheran youth organization with the mantra of “Dare to be Lutheran.” This grass-roots organization, begun in 2002, hosts two or three events each year. All of these conferences present solid, Lutheran doctrine and practice to youth who are begging to be challenged. A quote from the Higher Things President, the Rev. William Cwirla of Hacienda Heights, California, concerning the aim of the organization: “Youth will rise to whatever level you set the bar.” He also speaks about how youth will fall to as low as we let them if we don’t set the bar high. The youth attending the conference proved day in and day out that they want to be fed, taught and challenged. They ate it up and asked for more!
The theme this year was “Sola,” based on the four Solas ("Only") of the Reformation: Christus, Gratia, Fide and Scriptura. In six different plenary sessions, the participants learned that the God who comes to us in Christ (Christus) only has to speak to accomplish what He wants to accomplish. This same Christ died on the cross and rose again to buy us back by Grace (Gratia) in the same way the Prophet Hosea bought back his wayward wife Gomer. Through God’s grace, we are gifted with Faith (Fide), the saving faith of Christ who brings us to heaven. This we learn from Scripture (Scriptura) as this is how God has chosen to reveal Himself to us.
There were four opportunities to attend break away sessions. The topics ranged from The Shack to Twilight, Dating to Leviticus, Depression to Baptism, and Homosexuality to Star Wars. The discussions abounded in gospel-centered information. Participants also attended a three session indepth study of their choosing. These had titles like “Answering the Atheists,” “The Holy Doggie B.A.G.S.,” “As We Sing, So We Believe,” and “Emerging Style Or Enduring Substance?.” The youth left with a deeper appreciation of their Lutheran faith and a greater confidence in how to respond to their friends’ questions about their beliefs.
Once capped at 750, 901 people attended this conference. The youth were blessed to worship with other youth from 106 congregations, 23 states, and 3 groups representing the Lutheran Church of Canada. There was even a foreign exchange student there from Spain! Imagine the comfort in realizing that, as a high school student in this thing called Fide, they are not alone.
Next year’s conferences will be in Logan, Utah, at Utah State University, from June 29-July 2, and in Memphis, at the University of Memphis, from July 6-9. The theme will be “Given.” Make plans to attend! For more information, please see www.higherthings.org.