The inspirational opening worship service was led by Rev. Dennis Arndt and clergy of the Clinton Zone. We were reminded of the gracious gifts of God which enable us to soar like eagles.
Two Convention offerings were taken. The first was for the “Palanga, Lithuania Project” in the amount of $2,321. The second was for “Food for Children at Lutheran Schools in Haiti” in the amount of $2,177.
Rev. Dean Rothchild, Assistant to the President IDE LCMS, brought greetings from President Rev. Gary Arp.
Rev. Jay Jaeger and Rev. David Weber led the Bible Studies focusing on the convention theme from the book of Isaiah (40:1-11 and 25-31).
A mission goal of $85,000 for the 2008-2010 biennium was adopted.
Susan Bishop, the District Facilitator for Ready, Set, Recycle reported that so far over $600 has been raised toward expenses of the 1015 LWML convention to be hosted by Iowa District East and Iowa District West LWML and will be held in Des Moines. Items collected include used pagers, palm pilots, I-Pods, laptops, MP3 players and digital cameras. Additional facilitators are needed at the Zone and Society levels.
The River Choir performed at the Friday evening banquet followed by the keynote speaker Rev. Daniel Preus whose inspirational topic was “Lutheranism in Africa.”
There were 14 Young Women Representatives present, supported by their respective zones. They led the Saturday morning opening devotion titled “This is the day the Lord has made…let us Soar like Eagles,” under the guidance of Corrine Rothchild, Member Development Committee Chairman. YWR members are pictured below:
Keith Schmidt, LLL President brought greetings from the LLL and announced the new AMEN Ministry program as well as other ongoing programs of Lutheran Hour Ministries.
Linda Preus spoke on “Recognizing Mental Illness” a topic that was well received by those present.
Karon Soeken, LWML Executive Committee Planner brought greetings from our president, Jan Wendorf and the LWML Board of Directors. She talked about the target Goal for the 2007-2009 biennium: Christ-Centereed Living—Telling the Good News is our Great Commission, Matthew 28:19-20.
This was the first convention since the inception of Teen LWML that we had 5 Teen LWML members present from St. Ansgar Zone. They presented for the assembly, closing with the song
Dr. Richard and Anne Ossland spoke on the topic “Keeping Missions Central” and focused on the time they spent in Central Africa, and how fast Lutheranism is growing there.
Throughout the convention, past district presidents Marlene Bartlett (1986-1990), Lynn Evans (1990-1994), Judy Westergren (1998-2002) and Kathy Schweer (2002-2006) shared short cameos from their terms of office.
Cindy Kofoot and Angie Banko from the Christian Life Committee presented a skit entitled “Roll Out the Carpet,” inviting us to the 2009 LWML convention in Portland, Oregon.
Marcia Reints, the LWML Retreat Co-Chair from Davenport Zone, invited us to attend the retreat to be held at Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca September 19 & 20. The theme is ‘Stay in Step with Christ.”
Results of the officer elections for 2008-2012 are: Front row (left to right): Angela Banko—Vice President of Servant Resources, Carole Zimmerman—Vice President of Human Care Back row: Rev. David Weber—Counselor (Junior), Pat Ehler—Treasurer, Joanne Hartman—Vice President of Communication.
Results of the Mission Grant balloting for the 2008-2010 biennium are below:
Iowa District East Student Aid - 10,000
IDE LWML Seminary Financial Aid - 7,000
U of Iowa Hospitals Chaplaincy - 10,000
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis Food Bank - 5,000
Lutheran Blind Mission - 4,000
Poblo, Cedar Rapids, IA - 7,500
Equipping the Church – Kyrgystan - 10,000
St. Paul ‐ Outreach and Facility Repairs - 7,300
Valley Lutheran MS and HS, Waterloo - 5,000
LCMS World Relief ‐ Sudan - 5,000
Missionaries to Bangkok, Thailand - 5,000
Bethesda ‐ Bible Study Curricula - 4,600
LWM Curriculum for Chinese Bibles - 4,600
TOTAL $85,000
Our thanks for the service of outgoing officers Joan Berquist – Treasurer, Diane Shulz – VP of Communications, Donna Welch – VP of Human Care and Janice Johnston – VP of Servant Resources.
Thanks to all who worked very many hours to make this convention Christ-centered.
Pictured below are our President, Mabel Schmidt and Clinton Zone Convention Co-Chaimen
Carol Miller and Alice Machande.
Judy Westergren
IDE LWML Director of Public Relations