We serve our neighbors through our vocation in life. An obvious example is the farmer who raises the food that feeds the world. That is God-pleasing service to others. Yet, there is also the truck driver who delivers that food to the grocery store. And don’t forget the grocer who sells that food to hungry people. Each person along the way is motivated by a need to earn a living and support life and family, yet each person is also acting within a God-ordained role of service to his and her neighbor as well. Unseen by most people, this is how God sustains His creation. Christians recognize this as God’s First Article of the Apostle’s Creed gifts.
“Righteousness” is holy perfection, and is thought of in two different ways. First, “active righteousness” is what Christians do when they are serving others, such as in fulfilling a God-pleasing vocation. These things are done in service to our neighbor, by Christians, but they are earthbound works. In that way, our vocations are lived out here, on earth, shoulder-to-shoulder with others, on a horizontal plane. “Active righteousness” is not accomplished to earn God’s favor, but in response to God’s grace in Jesus Christ.
Why is this vertical righteousness passive? Because that’s the only way it can be. It is passive because all people are by nature born spiritually blind, dead, and enemies of God—the opposite of righteous. The dead can do nothing other than rot and decay. We can’t do anything to accomplish our salvation. Righteousness then has to be earned for us and given to us by someone else. This is Christ’s work. As St. Peter explained it, He [Jesus] Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed 1 Peter 2:24.