Friday, July 28, 2006
Prince of Peace In Coralville Becaome RAGBRI Campground

Immanuel Lutheran in St. Ansgar

The Rev. Dr. Bvron Northwick
Pastor Byron Northwick was born in Fairmont, MN, to O. Byron and Charlotte (Roehler) Northwick. After graduating from Fairmont High School, he went on to complete both a B. A. and M. A. from Minnesota State University, Mankato. After fInishing in Mankato, he worked in St. Paul, MN, and San Diego, CA, as a rehabilitation counselor with the deaf and hearing impaired.
While in San Diego, the Lord led him to enroll at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN. He did his vicarage (internship) at Hope Lutheran Church, Whittier, CA. After graduating from the seminary, he was ordained July 26, 1981, at St. Paul's Lutheran in Fairmont.
His fIrst congregation was Mt. Calvary, Wamego, KS, where he later also served the Northeast Kansas Deaf Parish in Wheaton, KS. While in Kansas, he earned his Ph.D. from Kansas State University in adult and continuing education. His dissertation was titled: The Growth of the Missouri Synod, 1847 -1872: The Use of Education for the Preservation and Promotion of Lutheran Orthodoxy.
After Kansas, he served Trinity Lutheran Church of Lake Johanna, Arden Hills, MN. While there, he was elected by the convention of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod to represent synod on the Board of Regents of Concordia University, St. Paul. He continues to serve on the Board of Regents, sits on its executive committee and has taught as an adjunct professor at Concordia.
In April 2002 he was installed at Immanuel Lutheran, St. Ansgar. In addition to serving Immanuel, he has also served on the community advisory committees for Good Samaritan Center and the St. Ansgar Community Schools. For the last two years he has also served St. John Lutheran in rural Osage.
A celebration of his ordination was held on Aug. 6 at Immanuel in St. Ansgar.
In 1990, Pastor and Melissa Loe were married at Redeemer Lutheran at Ventura, IA. They have been blessed with two children, Andrew and Erica.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Grace Lutheran Church In Waterloo
On Saturday, October 14, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Grace Lutheran Church in Waterloo will be sponsoring a witness workshop entitled “Equipping to Share”. This is for pastors, teachers, board members and anyone who might be interested in honing their witnessing skills.
Lutheran Hour Ministries is joining with the LCMS in its Ablaze! Movement to reach 100 million unreached or uncommitted people by the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation in 2017. Equipping to Share helps get you ready for witnessing with insights from Scripture, real-life witnessing experiences and practical exercise – all with a great deal of interaction, heart and humor. During the workshop you will:
• Learn to listen to what is being said.
• Learn to share your own relationship with Christ.
• Learn practical tips for welcoming new families and much more.
Early bird registration: $10 per person before September 30th
Registration: $12 per person includes the noon meal
Make checks out to Grace and
Mail with your registration to:
Grace Lutheran Church
1024 West 8th Street
Waterloo, IA 50702-2208
If you have any questions call: Rev. Don Illian
319-235-6705 office - 319-988-3446 home
Email: pdillian@usfamily.net
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Your camp will offer horseback rides as long as the weather remains
nice. Take a guided 45 minute horseback ride through our
wooded trails for $15 or schedule a “Kiddie Trail Ride” for $7.
This is a 15 minute horseback ride through wooded trails especially
for youth with little or no experience with horses or who
are too young for the longer trail ride. Please contact Kelly
Dressler for more information or to schedule your trail ride no
later than 24 hours before your desired time.
Commissioned Worker BBQ
August 6 at 3:00 pm
The interim executive director and staff of your camp invite all
IDE commissioned workers and their families for an afternoon of
fun at camp, Sunday August 6, 3:00 pm. Come visit with our
new interim director, the Rev. Terry Small, Kelly Dressler (Program
Director) and Luke Fischer (Site Manager). Learn about
the new fall horse program and our Fall Festival on October 22.
Mingle with friends from all over the district. Our summer staff
will host activities for you and your children. Pr. Small will grill
hot dogs, brats and burgers for supper. You are invited to stay
after supper to enjoy the beauty of your camp at sunset and a
campfire at 9:00 pm. Please call the camp office (319) 848-4187
to tell us you are coming so we know how much food to prepare.
IDE Confirmation Retreat
September 22-23
“I am Baptized”
Led by our interim director, the Rev. Terry Small, this retreat is
designed as a tool for IDE pastors and congregations to supplement
their own catechetical programs. In fact, we encourage pastors
to attend with their youth. Any size group is welcome. This
is a perfect opportunity for smaller groups who cannot have their
own retreat. The cost is only $30 per person. Plan to bring at
least one adult chaperone for each seven youth. Call us for more
information or to learn if we have extra chaperones.
Fall Festival
October 22 at 2:30 pm
Summerfest is now Fall Festival! Mark your calendar now and
plan to join us for an afternoon of activities for the whole family
with fabulous food, hay rides, quilts, crafts, an auction, campfire
and much more. The festival has been moved to the fall to allow
more time for planning and publicizing this popular event. Please
encourage your crafters and quilters to keep working on their
projects and watch for more details next month.
Sensational Summer
About 1100 campers (about 50 more than last year) have participated
in our summer programming organized under the theme “I
AM...” Campers from all over the United States and far away
lands like Nigeria and South Korea have seen how God reveals
His love for us through His Son Jesus Christ who said “I AM....
the Good Shepherd, the Light of the World, the Way, Truth, and
Life, the Bread and Vine.” While the season for overnight camps
ends July 28, day camps continue until August 11th. Our summer
has been filled with children's laughter, smiling faces and yes,
tearful goodbyes when they must leave at the end of the week.
As it has for over 40 years, Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca remains a “fun”
place where a child is guaranteed a Christ-centered camp experience.
From early morning until bed time, our counselors use
puppet shows, cabin devotions, Christian Growth time as well as
the events of the day to turn the campers' attention to Jesus' love
for them. Throughout the day the music of camp songs fills the
air. Laughter and cheers rise up from the athletic fields, pond,
horse trails, swimming pool and dining area. We pause from our
activities for about 20 minutes in the morning and late afternoon
to be refreshed by God's Word as we hear a selection from the
Word of God and the Pastor of the Week's brief homily, read a
portion of a psalm and a selection from the catechism, sing a
hymn related to the Word and pray as we are surrounded by the
beauty of God's creation. Evening campfires remain a favorite
fun-filled activity amidst flickering fireflies with skits, camp
songs and a closing prayer. Children from all over the IDE participated
in our Traveling Day Camp Program at seven different
congregations. We have had another fantastic summer! Camp Io-
Dis-E-Ca remains a remarkable blessing to the congregations of
the IDE. Please come visit us! Please help support us with your
Upcoming Dates
Day Camps Continue through Aug. 11th.
IDE Youth Leaders Retreat: August 25-26
Network with other leaders from across IDE. A great resource!
Father/Child(ren) Retreat: Sept. 8-9 a perfect opportunity for
dad to get away with his child(ren).
LWML Retreat: Sept. 15-16
The LWML always has a GREAT retreat!
IDE Confirmation Retreat: Sept. 22-23
Walther League Reunion: Sunday Oct. 8 a Sunday afternoon
filled with food, friends and fond memories. Spread the word!
Fall Festival: October 22
Please call your camp office for more information
(319) 848-4187.
Vacancies and Calls
Iowa District East –VACANCY UPDATE 07/20/06
City - Congregation - Vacant date - Vacancy Pastor
Cedar Falls, Redeemer/Christ, Waterloo
Chariton, Trinity 6.20.04
Davenport, Immanuel 5.1.05 Lester Dumer
DeWitt, Grace 12.1.05 Michael Vokt
Dubuque, St Paul 7.30.06 Kristian Kincaid
Wilton, Zion 6.18.06 Chris Hinkle
City, Congregation Vacancy Pastor
Elma, St. Peter Michael Parris
Keosauqua, Our Saviour John Walker
Mason City, Messiah Daird Korth
Osage, St. John Byron Northwick
Sigourney, Hope Richard Meyer
Swisher, King of Glory David Hansen
Wellman, Good Shepherd Wayne Woolery
West Union, Good Shepherd Ronnie Koch
Pastoral Calls Accepted:
Rev. Peter D. Hoft, Collinsville, IL to Park View, Eldridge - associate (8-6-06)
Rev. Robert Weinhold, St. Paul, Dubuque to St. John, Sycamore, IL (7-30-06)
Pastoral Calls Pending:
Rev. Stephen S. Lane, St. John, Oskaloosa to Immanuel, Sweet Springs, MO
Pastoral Calls Declined:
Rev. Jerry Doellinger, Concordia, CR to Pilgrim, Lakewood, OH
Rev. Jeffrey Pulse, Bremerton, WA to Grace, DeWitt
Vacancies: CR, Bethany – DCE
Accepted: Meredith Rossow, Trinity, Davenport to St John, LaGrange, IL
Jessica Cattau, Seward, NE to Central, Newhall
Leslie Drees, Seward, NE to Trinity, Cedar Rapids
Pending: Landon Becker, Grace, DeWitt to Bethany, Austin, TX
Saturday, July 22, 2006
The Editor's Camp IO-DIS-E-CA Pictures

From the Editor:
I finished loading all of my pictures onto the Editor's Camp Pictures link to the right. The pictures go backwards in time as you see them from top to bottom. I did not edit any of these pictures, so they may look a little different in the September issue of the IDE TODAY. But of course, not all of them will make it into the printed edition. I like this blog and the space it provides for the news of the District!
If you have your own pictures from camp this summer, please consider emailing them to us and we will include them in the 2006 Camp Picture Link to the right. Some may be used in the printed edition of the IDE TODAY.
I would also like to say what a wonderful Camp we have. As I told everyone there before they went home on Friday, I do not know what other camps are doing this summer since the very best counselors and staff have all been brought to IO-DIS-E-CA. There are challenges, but from what I saw the Camp is prospering and the staff committed to the Gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you to Rev. Smalls and the staff at Camp IO-DIS-E-CA!
Risen Christ Lutheran Church in Davenport

Rev. Stephen Henderson was installed as Pastor of Family and Youth Ministryat Risen Christ Lutheran Church, Davenport. Rev. Henderson was installed atan afternoon service on July 15, 2006. Rev. Brian Saunders preached onRomans 1:1-7, introducing the new pastor to his new flock. A receptionfollowed to welcome Pastor Henderson into the congregation.
Pastor Henderson was born and raised in Longmont, Colorado and graduatedfrom Concordia Seminary, St. Louis in May of 2006. He and his wife Rachelare expecting their first child in November. 0
Picture: Front Row: (L to R) Rev. David Anderson, Rev. Clarence Pannier, Rev.Stephen Henderson, Rev. Keith Piotter2nd Row: Vicar Michael Geddings, Rev. Fritz Schmitt, Rev. Howard Mueller,Rev. Brian Saunders3rd Row:
Thursday, July 20, 2006
New Camp Picture Link
St. Paul's Chapel and University Center

On Wednesday May 10th the Retired Pastors, their wives, and widows of retired pastors from Iowa District East met for their regular Spring Luncheon. This year the Luncheon was held at Saint Paul’s Lutheran Chapel and University Center in Iowa City. After a delightful meal prepared by the ladies of Saint Paul’s, the group was treated with testimonies from students of the Chapel. Yi Xin of China told us of her recent marriage and move to the United States with her husband, a faculty member at the University of Iowa. Yi Xin was unhappy with living in Iowa City as she was not proficient with English and had few friends. She wanted to return to China. Then she learned of International Student Ministry at the Chapel offering English conversation classes and Bible study. Upon attending, her English improved and for the first time in her life she heard about Christianity. She continually learns more about Christ, has gained friends, and attends every class possible. Her whole outlook on life has changed, she spoke of hope and saw smiles on faces whereas in China it’s always a frown. After her powerful testimony Chapel student Jason Toenges spoke of his experiences as to how the Pastor’s Bible studies, sermons and liturgical services gave him a solid place to stand in order to combat the “anything goes” attitude at the University. He shared that the students want liturgical services and gospel-centered sermons.
Under the leadership of Pastor Max Mons and ISM Director Rebekah Thompson, we are grateful for this strong campus ministry in our District. Our District is making a wise investment with the mission funds to provide this ministry for both American and International students at the University of Iowa.
Article submitted by Rev. William and Joyce Riley retired pastor and members at Saint PaulÂ’s Lutheran Chapel.
William Riley
"God loves you and there is
absolutely nothing you can do about it."
The IDE Board For Congregational Services
On the DCS-Stewardship Ministry Web site (www.lcms.org/stewardship) is a location entitled "Resources for Stewardship." Click on that location and you will find a number of free resources, including every Sunday bulletin sentences based on one of the assigned readings for each Sunday. Users have permission to customize the sentences as they see fit; for example, you may want to include your congregation's name in some of them.
By clicking on "Resources for Stewardship" you can also find monthly newsletter articles which may be customized for local use. Both the bulletin sentences and newsletter articles address the whole-life aspects of Christian stewardship. For example, the most recent newsletter articles touch on the 7 "T's" of Christian stewardship-Time, Talent, Treasure, Testimony, Touch, Tissue and Trash. To get a better understanding of what is meant by these 7 "T's" check out the site. The article for June dealt with the "T" of "Touch." The July article deals with the "T" of Tissue. Articles are normally posted a month ahead to accommodate deadlines for some congregational newsletters.
Newsletter articles are available as far back as 2003. Some of the articles are month-specific; others are not. You can pick and choose from the collection.
"Stewardship Every Sunday" is a set of for sale resources that includes a 125-150 word application from one of the assigned Scripture readings for each Sunday of the Church Year. A set is also available for the Annual Series of readings. The applications can be used as minuteman talks, longer bulletin pieces, or sermon starters.
The booklets are available individually or as a set of four. The stock numbers and prices are as follows:
Series A - S21843 $5.25 plus shipping
Series B - S21857 $5.25 plus shipping
Series C - S21835 $5.25 plus shipping
Annual Readings - S21856 $5.25 plus shipping
Set of All Four - S16053 $17.25 plus shipping
Grace Lutheran Church in DeWitt

Pastor Carl Hanson, his wife Chen-hsi and daughters Emma and Andrea were guests of Grace Lutheran Church on Sunday, June 25th. Pastor Hanson gave the message at all three worship services and presented a program about his missionary work at Grace Camp following the 9:30 am Worship Service. He and his family are stationed at Hong Kong, China. Through support from LCMS and Ablaze “Sharing Good News of Jesus Christ” Pastor Hanson travels to Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Cambodia. Prayer, financial support and short term missionaries are areas of need in the mission field where the Hanson’s are serving, Matthew 28:10 “Therefore go and made disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Pastor Hanson’s newsletter many be received by e-mailing him at lcmspmso@1cable.ph or carl.hanson@lcms.org.
Lutherans For Life

CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA – Cherish the Children was the theme as over 200 Lutherans gathered from across the United States and Canada for the national conference of Lutherans For Life (LFL), the only pan-Lutheran pro-life organization in the nation. LFL has 15 state/regional federations nationwide, along with local chapters and Life Ministry Coordinators.
Rev. Dr. Jeffrey A. Gibbs, Professor of Exegetical Theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri, gave the Friday night keynote address on the theme Why Are They Greatest in the Kingdom? Jesus’ View of Children, based on Matthew 18:1-10.
Dr. Gibbs asked, “Why do we regard these children unborn as so in need of protection? . . . In Matthew’s Gospel, as in the rest of the Bible, to be ‘like a child’ is be to weak, in need of protection, unlearned, unable to fend for yourself, small, vulnerable . . . In God’s plan, the most important people are the least important people.”
Earlier, LFL President Diane Schroeder shared how, through the pain of infertility, God had taught her and husband Carl “that children are not ours by right, but truly a gift given by Him . . . that children are not clones of parents, but unique individuals created by God for His purposes.” Diane and Carl are the parents of four adopted children.
Chuck Asay, editorial cartoonist for the Colorado Springs Gazette, opened the first of two plenary sessions on Saturday. He said “We are supposed to warn the idle . . . encourage the timid . . . help the weak—who’s weaker than an unborn child? . . . We need to leave behind this idea that we are in charge and make the rules.” He encouraged those in attendance to “be a blessing along the way. Get people engaged in a conversation” about life issues because “it’s about God’s children—He wants lots of them!”
In a second plenary address, Roberta Bandy, author of The Dance Goes On, shared her and her husband’s experience raising a handicapped son, Rob, their first born child, along with four other children. She said “each life has hope, meaning, and purpose” because through Christ that life was “bought at a price.” Rob lived for 29 years. “We know his life had value because we saw evidence of it each and every day . . . to this day.” “He made us stronger and wiser” and taught “duty, humility, self-sacrifice, grace, peace . . . [Rob] reflected Christ’s humility more than any other person I have ever known.”
Saturday’s workshops focused on caring for the mentally and physically handicapped; engaging in conversation with those opposed to the pro-life position; daycare, Creation, chastity and relationships; building a culture of life; cherishing children in other lands, through adoption, in families, through LFL; cherishing moms in crisis, and post-abortion recovery.
LFL Executive Director Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb had three main points in his Sunday sermon: Cherish means to care for in a close, intimate way. The children we are to cherish are all those vulnerable and in need. We cherish the children because God does. He concluded his sermon this way: “The primary message we are to take back to our family and friends and congregations is not that we need to start pregnancy centers. The primary message is not that we need to promote families and abstinence and adoption. The primary message is not that we are to care for those with broken bodies or broken hearts. The primary message is not that we are to cherish the children because they are precious. The primary message is that we are to cherish the children because they are precious to God. Everything else will flow from that.”
For more information contact Lutherans For Life at 1120 South G Avenue, Nevada, IA 50201-2774; (888) 364-LIFE; info@lutheransforlife.org; or visit the website at http://www.lutheransforlife.org/.
Valley Lutheran High School Day Camp

Three congregations and Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca got together this past June and put on a very successful day camp at Valley Lutheran School in Cedar Falls. Immanuel Lutheran and Grace Lutheran of Waterloo, and St. Johns Lutheran of Reinbeck pooled their kids together and had a fantastic week of fun, fellowship, and spiritual growth. Seventy five K-6th graders, along with more than 25 volunteers from the three congregations attended the daily 9-3 event. Our district is blessed with Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca and the Traveling Day Camp program that they provide as an alternative ministry tool for our churches. Immanuel, Grace, and St. Johns would like to thank the team of camp counselors Jeff, John, Shauna, and Colby for the fantastic week of ministry that they
shared with the kids.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Camp IO-DIS-E-CA July Pictures
Friday, July 07, 2006
2006 IDE Convention
Also, if anyone else has pictures from the convention that they could share, email them to idetoday@juno.com. Thanks.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
2006 IDE Convention
Ephesians 4:5
Article by Rev. Mark Brase
Under the theme "One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, the delegates of the Iowa District East (IDE) congregations came together at the 36th Convention of the IDE-LCMS in Cedar Rapids on June 23rd & 24th. Gathered around the Word, we sat at the feet of the one Lord, our Savior Jesus Christ, and were taught of the one faith into which we were joined through the waters of one baptism.
Christ joins us not only to Himself, but to one another in His body by the work of the Holy Spirit through His Word and Sacrament. United in Christ, we live out our baptism because that is who God has made us. The unity which Christ brings through forgiveness and life given in His Word and Sacrament is evidenced in the unity of faith, taught and practiced, which overflows into the world in acts of mercy. All of this gives witness to the world of God’s love and grace for all people. This One Message of salvation in Christ through His Word & Sacrament unites us as One People redeemed for the One Mission of living out our faith as a witness by telling the good news about Jesus, by acts of mercy for our fellow man and by our service to one another.
This message was conveyed to delegates by: Rev. Matthew Harrison, the essayist; Rev. Dr. Robert King, LCMS 4th Vice-president; Rev. Dr. Gerald Kieschnick, LCMS President (via DVD); Rev. Dr. Gary Arp, IDE President; and Rev. Brian Saunders, Convention Chaplain.
The duties of the convention include elections and the passing of resolutions. The following were elected:
President-Rev. Dr. Gary Arp;
1st VP-Rev. Dr. Matthew Rueger;
2nd VP-Rev. Brian Saunders;
Secretary-Rev. Dean Duncan;
Treasurer-Mrs. Lois Mulbrook;
Board of Directors: Dr. Carl Egger, Lay; Miss Andrea Koenig, Commissioned;
Nominations Committee: Mr. Jerry Dusek & Mr. Stan Rogers, Lay; Rev. David Rempfer & Rev. David Zimmer, Ordained; Mr. John Bremer, Commissioned;
Constitution Review Committee-Rev. Tim Eckert & Rev. Gary Sears;
2007 Synodical Convention Nominating Committee-Rev. Dean Rothchild.
Along with approving the updated Bylaws, the convention passed resolutions encouraging congregations to use the “Living the Life of the Baptized” vocational materials and “Growing in Christ” Sunday School curriculum, to support POBLO, to consider participation in “Fan the Flame,” to keep full-time pastors, and to adopt the Salary Study Committee guidelines. Congregations were also encouraged in theologically sound worship for communicating the truth of God’s Word by using the Lutheran Service Book. Also approved were the consideration of staffing and structural changes, such as, considering the sharing of an education executive with Iowa West, exploring district funding for U of I hospital part-time chaplain, revising the process for filling vacancies on the IDE BOD and recommending a task force to study the restructuring of the district.
Other highlights of the convention included special introductions and/or presentations, such as Curt Ketelson from the Ministry to the Deaf in Davenport, Yi Xin (via video) and Martin, international students at the University of Iowa, a letter from Rev. Petkunas, greetings from IDE LWML President Kathy Schweer and IDE LLL President Keith Schmidt, Paul Berg from Concordia Publishing House, a Ministry to the Blind DVD, Rev. Brian Friedrich, President of Concordia University, Seward, Nebraska, and Jason Toenges, St. Paul Chapel’s trip to Palanga, Carole White, LCEF Vice-president and Rev. Terry Small, Interim Director of Camp Iodiseca.
Special thanks are extended to the host congregation, Trinity Lutheran Church; her pastors, Rev. Jonathan Offt & Rev. Parker Knolls; Congregational Chairman, John Rodewald; Convention Chairman, Randy Oxley; and Trinity’s members who served as greeters, pages and office workers. Thanks!
With the Memorial and Installation Service, the convention closed. Again united in the Word of God, the delegates saw the installation of the officers and remembered the IDE church workers who were called to glory in the last triennium. While we in the Church Militant abide in Christ and are joined to Him through His Word and Sacrament, they enjoy the Church Triumphant and abide in Christ’s presence. Together, we have one Lord, one faith, one baptism.